Saturday, June 28, 2014

Customer Responses On Sunless Tanning Reviews

By Haywood Hunter

The skin is said to be the largest organ in the human body. People like to try out many things and see what the end results would be. One of them is how would one look like is they made their skins look a little bit dark and glowing? That is where self tanning comes about but we all know how human beings are impatient but creative, sunless tanning method had to be invented.It is therefore vital to look closely at sunless tanning reviews and its response to customers.

Sunless tanning is a process in which lotions or chemicals are applied to skin so that they can have a darkening effect similar to the sun tan. Pills can also be used instead of lotions or other chemicals.

One may wonder why would someone want to change their skin color to be a little darker, is it a bad thing to be light? While the answer is no, to some dark skin is attractive especially for models and many celebrities. While others, interestingly do it for fun maybe because a particular celebrity looks cool so they copy them.

Sprays, chemicals, pills and lotions are some of the sunless ways used to tan the skin. Sprays are however, harmful because they can be inhaled so care has to be taken when using them. Pills and chemicals also have their negative effects and cause serious health problems to the users so before using any of them it is advisable to visit a dermatologist before using them.

What makes sunless or self tanning a better way over sun tanning, as said earlier, is the danger of getting skin cancer which is irreversible, sunburns and wrinkles which make one look older than they actually are . I know for sure no lady would want to be told they look old they will freak out, that is why self tanning is preferred but other than that it is an easy quick way, people like short cuts to just about anything.

Everything good has to have a good and bad side of it. The bad thing about using spray though convenient is that the chemical can be inhaled causing problems to the lungs and might eventually lead to death or life long illness. Lotions can react to someone skin and eve pills. My advice is before using any of these products one should consult with a dermatologist to know what is good to use for your skin type.

It is said that DHA is safe to use on the skin without causing any harm and is approved by the FDA since the year 1973 and found in many tanning skin products which is advocated and advised by many dermatologists. However this is not an assurance that your skin is safe, some people have sensitive skin and react badly with these chemicals.

It is also said that skin tanners are contained naturally in some fruits and vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes when digested in high quantity. Yes, you can actually go to the groceries to buy tomatoes and carrots anytime, what a cheap and easy way, safe and effective. The substance that these vegetable and fruits contain is called carotenoids antioxidants. So next time you want to make your skin a little darker choose the best and effective way for yourself.

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