Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Things To Know About Total Laser Resurfacing

By Sarah Mitchell

Laser resurfacing entails disassociation of molecular bonds during the process of treating wrinkles, acne scars, solar lentigenes, and other skin infections. The technique can be used in conjunction with liposuction to aid in tightening of fresh contours that are formed after excess fat removal. Total laser resurfacing presents an opportunity for the surgeon to come up with a surgical procedure that addresses the unique needs of each patient. Additionally, she or he is able to customize every area of the face. Therefore, the technique is preferred over other methods such as chemical peel and dermabresion.

The laser surgery technique involves direction of short and highly concentrated beam of light at different positions of the skin. The layers are removed one by one until a fine looking layer is reached. The technique is recommended for people who have wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, or forehead region as well as presence of non-responsive skin months after facelift. An experienced surgeon is able to examine you and identify the procedure that is fit for you. The city Cincinnati, OH is a home for professional surgeons who offer personalized care services.

The procedure uses either carbon dioxide or erbium. These lasers are used to remove unwanted skin cells by vaporizing them through exposure to minimal amount of heat. Carbon dioxide lasers have been used for years to treat skin complications such as enlarged glands present in nose or ears, scars, and wrinkles. Today, ultrapulse is used in place of carbon dioxide due to its ability to minimize heat damage on the surrounding tissues.

Erbium lasers utilize short light beams to treat moderately deep wrinkles that are found on head, chest, and face region. The procedure utilizes minimal amount of heat to achieve a smooth and healthy skin. Erbium has fewer side effects than other procedures. Its side effects include redness, bruises, and swelling. Most hospitals are now embracing the erbium technique due to its numerous benefits.

Therefore, the recovery period is always faster than other techniques. The procedure works perfectly on people that have dark skin tones. Competent surgeons that are present in Cincinnati, OH can provide an estimate of how long the recovery is going to take by observing your type of skin.

Before undergoing the surgical process, consulting either a reputable plastic surgeon or dermatologist is a wise move. These professionals can inform you whether the surgical procedure is perfect for you. At times, you may be suffering from conditions that may bring complications in case the process is carried out. The surgeon should use your medical history to identify a perfect procedure for you.

When you are sure on what to expect during the procedure you will be prepared psychologically. Commonly, the laser resurfacing technique is an outpatient process. An anesthetic is used to numb the areas that are to be treated. When the entire face is being operated on, the surgeon will have to sedate you.

After completion of the process, the doctor uses bandages to cover the treated area. She or he will advise you to clean the area for at least four times a day. Scabs are likely to form after cleaning, hence application of petroleum jelly or other ointments is recommended. The procedure should be carried out in an accredited facility that is equipped with surgical equipment, tools, and trained personnel.

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