Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Enigma of Migraine Headaches and Why They Occur

By Vanessa Summer

Chances are great that you have had as a minimum one headache in your lifetime. Migraine headaches are not the standard run of the mill type of headache. I understand the severe pain of migaines because I used to suffer, terribly, from them during a young age. They lasted several years and then suddenly stopped, and I am delighted for that. It is somewhat fascinating that headaches, and especially migraines, are not entirely understood by the medical community. Everything is clouded and unclear by the simple fact that people do not feel headaches, and pain, all the same way. But there is considerably more to this story which is challenging and has many pieces to it.

However, just like with many topics in medical science, a lot is known about migraine headaches. This type of headache is occasionally referred to as a vascular headache. People are known to have a migraine when exposed to extreme temperatures in either direction. Next there are people who can get this type of headache if they encounter excessive sleep loss or too much hunger. So all of this clearly shows that environmental influences play a role at least with some individuals. We mentioned several areas, already, but there are others including chronic stress.

There happens to be research regarding the special attributes of migraines such as the fact they build up more slowly than other headaches. Of course that can guide them to investigate certain areas which could be fruitful. Every bit of information can offer some kind of clue. Over half of people who get migraines seem to have relations who also have this trouble which indicates a possible genetic influence. On the other hand, genetics is not a factor with everybody, and so that is one more facet that has to be looked at.

Shifts in the levels of hormones can cause these headaches in some women. There is a proportion of women who can have issues either right before or promptly after their monthly period cycle. Estrogen does not stay stable at these periods for women. Pregnancy and subsequently the menopausal years are also circumstances of wild changes in hormones. As you may be thinking, there can be some who have higher incidences of migraines at those times. It could be important to note that the procedure generally known as HRT, hormonal replacement therapy, can make migraines more serious than they already are. Alternatively, all of those experiences do not materialize to all women who endure migraines.

There are numerous other variables involved that may bring about a migraine including sensory stimulation such as loud noises, specific odors, bright lights and an array of smells including perfumes and other various odors. It is apparent that the assortment of migraine triggers is highly diverse. Even more circumstances that lead to this can be a greater than usual amount of physical actions. The exact reasons for these headaches is a challenging condition for researchers to comprehend.

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