Saturday, February 22, 2014

Demetri Gabriel & Talking About 3 Best Foods For Colds

By Robin Setser

It's apparent that the common cold is going to call for a certain level of care to be taken. Demetri Gabriel will be able to attest to this, as such actions as getting plenty of rest can play positively into the matter. What about the types of food that can be eaten from day to day, though ,for the sake of making sure that cold symptoms are as minimal as possible? There are many great foods to take in but here is a list that accounts for 3 of the most impacting.

1. If you want to keep the duration of your cold to a minimum, focus on eating plenty of fruit. More specifically, you are going to want to turn towards those in the citrus category, whether you prefer oranges, grapefruit, or what have you. Each of these are loaded with vitamin C, which is arguably the most important nutrient when talking about the immune system in general. Taking in fruit is a great start, so do not forget about the litany of different types seen here.

2. Did you know that vegetables can be put to use in order to help out your cold, too? There are many different ones to consider but if you want the best results, you would be wise to stick to the leafier, greener types, spinach and kale being just a couple of instances. For those who do not know, kale has vitamin A, which is a nutrient that is able to benefit eyesight. Spinach is a product that has calcium, on the other hand, which not only helps your bones in youth but maintains them later on.

3. Yogurt can prove to be very useful for helping out people with colds, whether you were aware of this or not. The reason why I say this is because there are many kinds of yogurt that have probiotics, which are bacteria that is able to help the immune system as opposed to hinder it. Demetri Gabriel, however, will tell you that not every product has these, so it's prudent to note the containers which have the seal that signifies this. Regardless, this is one bacterium that can prove useful, according to various medical authorities, Gabriel Pediatrics included.

With so many foods to consider for the cold, Demetri Gabriel can tell you that there are some foods which are more useful than others. Produce and dairy alike can come into effect and the fact that there are so many options on the matter is something that should not be overlooked. Keep in mind that these are just a couple but they are ones which boast vitamins and minerals for days. Make sure that you use these products for the sake of better health in the long term.

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