Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Identifying Superior Tanning Products For Your Skin Type

By Haywood Hunter

A properly tanned skin offers an incredible image transformation. Excellent results can only be realized when the best tanning product is chosen. There are numerous options in the market for consumers to choose. Getting the right product should not be a matter of trial and error. It takes research with your expectations in mind.

Your choice of a tanner should bear in mind your skin type. These products are clearly indicated for use on dry, oily, normal or sensitive skin. The ingredients used bear in mind these elements. Manufacturers are very specific regarding the type of skin. Making a mistake in this regard exposes you to possible damage or irritations due to allergic reactions.

Special products are available for application on the face. The skin around this area is more sensitive and therefore requires extra care. Every buyer should make such considerations before purchasing a product. Products for use on this area are usually indicated on the label with clear instructions on how to use them.

Availability in different forms makes it easy for different consumers depending on preference. These forms include creams, lotions, mosses, wipes and sprays. Some are easier to use on open spaces like the face while others make it easier to tan folds and hidden areas. While some like sprays can be applied without external assistance, lotions and other forms that require rubbing call for expert assistance.

The smell of a tanner makes it acceptable or disliked by users. Manufacturers have tried to circumvent this aspect by blending the tanners with such flavors as citrus, vanilla, mint and strawberry. Their objective is to hide the base odor of ingredients in order to make it acceptable.

It is important for any tanner to remain faithful to the promises made on labels and user manuals. These promises regard the type tone, depth and duration of drying. The tanners are very specific and therefore consideration should be made in this regard.

Tanners are particular about the depth of a tone. Consumers should understand such important aspects to avoid disappointment. The label indicates if the tan expected will be dark, medium or very dark. Beside these facts, there is an indication as to whether a particular product is to be used on sensitive, normal, oily or dry skin.

One avenue to get information on your target product is through review websites. The sites are run by reputable professional bodies and offer an objective review. The views contained on these sites are not influenced by manufacturers. Some contain unedited reviews by consumers. This makes the information given on these forums very reliable.

The sun remains an unreliable tanner because of various factors. They include lack of control for sunshine duration, intensity of a shine and the danger of exposure to UV light. This light has been blamed for skin cancers later in life. The depth of a tan cannot be controlled. This has pushed most people to sunless tanners.

Manufacturers have provided tanners of different shapes and sizes. These packages deliver excellent value for money. Availability of pumps and tubes that are easy to squeeze allows a person to use the product exhaustively. Purchase can be made online, from departmental stores or salons.

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