Saturday, April 4, 2015

Essential Facts About Blepharoplasty Dayton OH

By Lelia Hall

If there is excess fat and skin around your eyes, it can make you can look older than you are, have drooping eyelids or affect your vision. The procedure that is performed to correct this problem is known as eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty. It involves removing extra skin, fat and muscle from the eyelids to improve their appearance. If they opt for blepharoplasty Dayton OH inhabitants can look more attractive, younger and also improve their vision.

Blepharoplasty can be performed both for cosmetic and functional reasons. Cosmetic eye surgery is solely performed to improve appearance. You can undergo this procedure if your eyelids have become droopy due to aging. The results of the procedure can last for as long as ten years, depending on how healthy you are and other factors.

Unlike cosmetic eye surgery, functional eyelid surgery is performed for medical reasons. In most cases, it is carried out to get rid of loose skin from the upper eyelid if it is drooping low enough to impair vision. The other problem that functional blepharoplasty corrects is difficulty wearing contact lenses or glasses due to droopy lower or upper eyelids. You can also opt for this procedure if excess folds of your eyelid skin rub together and cause irritation.

In most cases, functional eyelid surgery is performed by an ophthalmologist or an oculoplastic surgeon. The other professionals who can perform this procedure include general cosmetic surgeons, oral and maxillofacial surgeons and nose, ear, and throat surgeons. This procedure is usually carried out at the office of a physician or day clinic. You can leave the hospital the same day after undergoing surgery.

Before a surgeon schedules the procedure, he or she will evaluate you for risk factors such as dry eye problems, diabetes and thyroid eye disease. If you are suffering from any serious health condition, the surgeon may advise you not to undergo blepharoplasty. If you smoke, he or she may ask you to stop smoking for a few weeks before the scheduled surgery date. The reason for this is that smoking raises the risk of complications since it delays healing.

Before the procedure, you can be placed under local or general anesthesia. Your surgeon can enhance local anesthesia by injecting systemic sedatives into your veins or ask you to take them by mouth. You may need general anesthesia if the eyelid surgery is more complex or if you plan to undergo another cosmetic procedure at the same time.

When performing eyelid surgery, the surgeon will make cuts in the natural folds of the eyelids so that they will be unnoticeable after healing. He or she will then remove the extra fat and skin using various instruments such as scalpels, surgical scissors, radio frequency cutting devices and lasers. The surgeon will then apply sutures to smooth and reconfigure the area around your eyelids.

When the surgery is over, your surgeon will apply an antibiotic cream on the area. The first day after leaving the hospital, you can minimize bruising and swelling by applying ice to the area each hour for about 10 or 25 minutes. On the second day, you can apply ice every two or three hours for about 10 or 15 minutes. The surgeon will also advise you about the pain medications you may take to ease discomfort.

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