Saturday, August 10, 2013

Advice And Tips On Designer Skin Tanning Lotion For Your Considering

By Haywood Hunter

As summer approaches so is the demand for designer skin tanning lotion. The sun kissed skin, sheer elegant tan makes a girl feel sexy and more desirable. However, baking under the sun is a luxury that not everybody has time for.

In addition, a perfect tan is not as simple to achieve unless it is done with designer skin tanning lotion. When done naturally, tanning does not come out as perfect especially in the case of tan lines. Moreover, there is the risk of getting skin cancer for staying under the harmful rays too long.

But with the use of a designer skin tanning lotion, a girl can pull off the perfect brown skin. Flawless tanning is indeed possible with designer skin tanning lotion. She can get the look even without a beach trip. She can show off her elegant sun kissed skin and make everybody else think she has just been somewhere exotic.

Upon the application of designer skin tanning lotion the skin attracts more ultraviolet light to lessen the time for tanning. Furthermore, the designer skin tanning lotion possesses a moisturizing effect. This special formulation enables the skin to be moisturized during the tanning process. It also protects it from the possibility of burning. And it goes all the way to protecting the skin against the destructive effects of the sun.

The competitive edge of designer skin tanning lotion that separates it from the competitors is its ingredients. It is carefully formulated with only the best skin care formula to make skin glow a beautiful tan. The designer skin tanning lotion guarantees not only a great tan but a skin so soft and healthy.

With a designer skin tanning lotion, a girl can wear a summer glow all year long. It is a dream-come true for a girl to always feel special among a crowd of pale skin. So every girl should keep a designer skin tanning lotion close for a flawless and sexy tan.

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