Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bronze The Complexion Safely And Effectively With Sun Labs Sunless Tanner Products

By Haywood Hunter

Too much exposure to ultraviolet or UV light can be dangerous to the health, and many women who like sporting a tan are aware of this. Luckily, there are Sun Labs sunless tanner products which they may go for. A few hours after the application, results may be observed. Compared to sunbathing and the use of tanning beds, these solutions are known to be safer.

Sunbathing gives you that lovely glow because it causes more pigment called "melanin" to be produced. This takes place to protect your skin from the sun's radiation. According to medical experts, UV rays are classified as class one carcinogen like asbestos and benzene. This means that the person is placed at risk of ending up with cancer of the skin.

Certainly, having a darker complexion can boost the beauty and confidence of women. However, if deadly cancer is what you get in exchange for all the admiring stares and compliments, looking great accounts to nothing. What's more, excessive UV ray exposure can cause wrinkles and liver spots to show up prematurely, most especially on highly sensitive facial skin.

Using a tanning bed cannot be considered as a safer solution that sunbathing. This device available at professional tanning salons utilize lamps that emit exactly the same radiation coming from the sun. Although giving off lesser ultraviolet rays, a lot of experts say that tanning bed usage may still be harmful to the health of women.

Due to the unfavorable effects of exposing the skin to UV light to attain a darker complexion, many women these days prefer to go for at-home solutions. A few hours after they are applied topically, a change in skin color may already be noted. During the process, users are not placing themselves at risk because the active ingredient is safe for topical use.

This ingredient is DHA, or short for dihydroxyacetone. A natural chemical extracted from plants such as sugar cane, the FDA of the US has approved it for topical use back in the 70s. Even today, it is something that so many manufacturers use when dishing out products that can give you that sun-kissed glow without the need for your skin to be bombarded with UV light.

Dead cells lining the topmost skin layer is turned into brown by DHA. Without the need to promote more melanin to be produced, a color that looks like real tan can be provided by the substance. About 3 hours after the application, skin darkening becomes already evident. Waiting for at least 24 hours more allows DHA to produce the darkest color possible.

Because eventually those dead skin cells will be shed off, the deep color DHA had caused will naturally disappear in about 7 to 10 days. Re-applying Sun Labs sunless tanner products helps bring back a lovelier complexion. Definitely, this approach is cheaper compared to visiting professional tanning salons in the area just to keep everyone dazzled by your gorgeous tan. However, careful application has to be done to avoid blotches and streaks that can reveal you are sporting a fake tan.

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