Sunday, August 11, 2013

Taking Your Muscle Building To The Next Level

By Russ Howe

After three to four months of a workout program you will usually hit a plateau. Today we are going to explain how to build muscle effectively and continuously, bursting through that plateau and pushing yourself to a new personal best.

The easy part of building a more muscular physique is realizing you need to work out. Sadly, that's as far as most people get in terms of research and knowledge. There are a few other things which you will need to do to maximize results for yourself and today we will reveal them to you.

The most ridiculous aspect of the health and fitness industry is the amount of conflicting advice out there. Particularly online, which is a virtual mix and match bag of completely different theories. This leads to so many people becoming incredibly lost with their fitness that they just have no clue where to start. In order to get consistent results it's a good idea to get the basics down first.

Every day we are asked by gym members for tips on this subject and there are 3 questions which people appear to have more confusion with. We have answered them below for you...

* How many repetitions should you do?

* What do you need to eat?

* Do you need to train every day or not?

The optimal zone for stimulating lean tissue growth is between eight and twelve reps for most exercises. This means you do not need to spend the countless high repetition sets on most exercises, particularly your big compound lifts, so make the most of this knowledge and begin applying it right now. You should see results from this method very quickly.

Once you have got used to training with your specific goal in mind and you begin to look for ways to further shake things up you won't be short on choice. One of the best ways to do this is using techniques like strip sets, super sets and add sets. These will not only provide a great pump but will also stimulate further growth.

Believe it or not, more people get lost with their diet than with their training. So the next section is devoted to showing you how to create a simple but effective diet plan.

The majority of us presume that diets are for girls, of course, and we don't need to watch what we eat if we are trying to get bigger. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, unless you're striving for a power lifter type physique you should be paying attention to your food.

You do not need to watch every single calorie, of course, but having a rough idea of what to eat is an advantage. The 3-5-2 concept has proven most effective and will keep you on the right track. Try to split your calories between 30% protein, 50% carbohydrate and 20% fat. That simple idea is the basis of a solid building diet.

Rest is the final part we want to go over today. Once you begin enjoying your training and seeing results you will find it hard to resist the urge to train whenever and wherever possible. The main problem with this is you can hold yourself back slightly by not allowing your muscles the time to recuperate. Days off are not just useful, they are recommended.

These are three of the most important steps teaching you how to build muscle and retain it. Each of the steps is backed up with scientific research and if you are able to incorporate them into your current routine you will notice increased results.

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