Sunday, September 30, 2012

Choosing A Diet Plan To Gain Pounds

By Johnny Adams

There are a multitude of diets out there that are designed to help shed pounds, but when advice is needed on a diet plan to gain weight, very little information can be found. For those who find their appearance a bit too lean, there are a number of ways to increase muscle and weight while maintaining a healthy body. The emphasis should be on not just packing on pounds, but also on building the body's lean muscle mass.

Top 5 Foods for Increasing Weight

It is important to omit unhealthy foods from your diet, even for those who are looking to gain pounds. This is because foods that contain high amounts of sugar, calories and bad fats will increase not only your pounds, but body fat percentage as well. Eating these food leads to obesity and health ailments such as heart disease.

You want the body to gain muscle not fat. It is the muscle that gives the body a firm and toned appearance. Protein is necessary for the body to build and repair the muscles during and after weight training.

Protein is an excellent way to increase amino acids in the body. Amino acids are crucial for building muscle. Include foods like chicken, turkey, fish, cottage cheese, yogurt and eggs for a healthy way to include protein into your diet. Whey protein powders are readily available at most health stores, and are a great way to get your protein in before and after a workout.

The Right Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are needed. Most find this hard to accept because they have been taught that carbs are bad. This is not true. Not all carbs are bad, some are quite healthy for you and your body needs them for energy. Brown rices and whole grain pastas are a great way to include healthy carbs. Also fruits are a good source of natural sugars and a great snack for when you want a sweet treat.

Choosing The Right Fats

Healthy fats are an essential part of the body's intake. Not all fats are bad. Choose the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that come from olive oils, avocados, and raw nuts. Essential Fatty Acids found in polyunsaturated fats are great for muscle being and overall health. Omega-3 and Omega-6 can be found in oily fishes like tuna or salmon. In addition, adding flaxseed to your foods can boost your intake of essential fatty acids.

Eat More Often

It is no great mystery that the body needs calories to gain pounds. This can be done by eating multiple times a day. Do not stick to the three meal a day rule when trying to bulk up. Instead, eat six meals a day that equal 3,300 calories total. This is the number that the body needs to gain pounds, so eat meals in 700/400 calorie portion sizes.

Building muscle is the proper way to follow a diet plan to gain weight. The only way to do this is too eat often and include healthy foods and weight training exercises as a normal part of your daily routine. Weight training is crucial for giving the body that toned physique we all want.

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