Thursday, November 1, 2012

Green Tea Pills - Learn How It Can Change Your Life

By Jeffrey Singer

Numerous dieticians acknowledge the wonderful benefits of tea. Even without significant lab study, a lot of people from Far East have realized the benefits of green tea extract. However with increased positive results from laboratory studies, the popularity of green tea has never been higher. Tea Benefits include fighting against cardiovascular diseases, depression, weight loss, cancer prevention and lowering bad cholesterol.

In spite of the abundance of information sharing the tea benefits, a lot of individuals are still not drinking a sufficient amount of tea. Lots of individuals are busy to brew and take in tea on a consistent basis. They might not prefer the flavor. They may not like the caffeine in the tea.

Fat burning may be among the more widespread benefits associated with green tea. Numerous tea industry experts are claiming to gain significant health improvements; an individual must consume anywhere between four and seven cups of tea on a daily basis. Now that is lots of green tea. Even more importantly take into account the degree of work needed for making a cup of tea. An individual has to boil, brew and cool off the tea.

Next comparison is the taste. Some may perhaps debate with this one, since there is a wide selection of tasty green tea food products available on the market today. There is latte, cake, boba tea, ice cream, and lots more. However these items include sugar that makes it tasty. The normal taste of tea leaf is rather bitter. Tea industry experts believe more the quality of green tea, the bitter it becomes. In case the goal of consuming tea is for health improvements, including sugar is not a good idea.

As mentioned earlier, tea is recommended as a health benefit. Still this is actually an issue for some people due to caffeine. Tea comes with noticeably fewer amount caffeine than coffee. However the overall quantity will add up especially if other caffeinated beverages are consumed as well within one day. Caffeine is usually beneficial if taken at a moderate amount. It is great for enhancing energy as well as dropping pounds. But, if consumed too much, adverse reactions can take place such as insomnia.

Good thing related to taking advantage of green tea is that there are alternatives to drinking tea. Take tea pills. It is much more convenient. There is no need for preparation or cleaning up. Many green tea pills are sugar free. These tea supplements only consist of the safe organic antioxidants of tea. Additionally there is a selection on the amount of caffeine the capsules contain.

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