Monday, November 19, 2012

Your Immune System Will Be Stronger if You Know About These Superfoods

By Amado Polvino

Being sick is the least favorite condition of most folks. Most of us take measures to protect our bodies from catching a virus and ending up with influenza or a bad cold. We go out of our way to stay clear of anyone who appears to be sick, don't we? Hand sanitizer are very popular. You can use this gel just about anywhere you may be exposed to other peoples germs. A common example is given of using the waterless gel on the handle of a shopping cart at the grocery store. We buy diet supplements by the ton. Some people seem to consume more supplements than food. Most folks devour new reports and article constantly on how to stay in prime health. Nevertheless, even though we know the basics - eat a healthy diet - many of us don't know which foods are the best choices. What do we need to eat to enhance our immune system so it can fight off the germs that cause us to become sick? Below you will find a few superfoods to include in your weekly diet. They will give your immune system a boost.

Turkey, for reasons we'll explain below, has surfaced as a very powerful superfood for maintaining a strong immune system. I hate to be the bearer of bad new to vegans and vegetarians, but this is a proven fact. The reason turkey is so beneficial is because it contains high levels of glutamine; however, don't forget to include other healthy, lean meats in your diet also. Your white blood cells depend on glutamine to maintain their viability and health. It also increases your T cell count which is important when you want your body and your immune system to be as healthy as possible. One of the best superfoods found in nature are mushrooms. A scientific study done in The Netherlands verified that you can maintain your health and strengthen your immune system by eating mushrooms. When your health isn't good, your metabolites break down. This is where mushrooms can be very beneficial because they help with your digestion. Mushrooms are great because including them in our daily menu isn't difficult. You can chop or dice them up or put them through the food processor and then mix them into whatever you're cooking. Mushrooms are delicious even when eaten raw. They are very versatile!

Kale is great for your immune system, but it should be eaten raw. The best form of Vitamin C available is found in raw kale. Other benefits of kale include its high fiber and low sugar content. Raw kale is quite a lot better for you than cooked kale, because the cooking of the kale reduces the amount of vitamin C that you take in.

In order to boost your immune system, there are many steps you can take.

Are you familiar with the herb Echinacea? It can be used to strengthen your immune system. Even though Echinacea is not really a superfood, it can have a tremendous impact on the health of your immune system. The way most people use Echinacea is to take the supplement as soon as the first signs of illness, especially a cold or the flu, strike. Do not try to chew on the plant itself though. The root is main part used, but the whole plant can be ground and made into capsules for the supplement. The plant, itself, isn't edible. Raw Echinacea is bitter and eating it can cause stomach upset, so leave the plant alone. How many people do you know that want to stay as healthy as they can? I bet the answer is just about everyone of your acquaintance. We know that the best way to do this is to eat a balanced diet, get enough exercise, and drink plenty of fluids. That's all fine and good, but that doesn't help you figure out what you should eat. Some foods - superfoods we call them - do better jobs of keeping you healthy and your immune system strong. Our goal in this report is to make you aware of some of the superfoods that are easy to include in your weekly eating plan. In order to have more choices of superfoods to include in your eating plan, do a little research online or ask someone at your health foods store.

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