Thursday, November 15, 2012

Should You Perform HIIT Before Eating?

By Russ Howe

Most people who perform HIIT don't support their workout with the proper nutrition. Today we clear up the fog surrounding what you should do with your diet and supplements to make the most of high intensity interval training.

Your workouts will be greatly improved by following the simple steps shown in today's article.

For years a lot of people have believed that you should hit the gym without eating beforehand. This is more habit than fact, however, as science points in the opposite direction. Numerous studies have shown that the benefits of hitting the gym with the right nutrition inside your body will greatly enhance your performance and results.

The majority of gym users discovered high intensity interval training in the last ten years but this technique has been used in sports for over twenty years, so research into the nutritional aspect is anything but sparse. The problem is, however, most people short change themselves by not taking any time out to discover what they need to change with their diet to make the most of this new way of performing cardio for fat loss.

Today's article will focus mainly on people looking towards the fat loss benefits from high intensity interval training. There are two very important keys here, which are:

* Most people perform their workout on an empty stomach and consume their protein or other supplements after they have finished in the gym. Research actually shows that you can far greater fat loss results if you also pop in a protein shake around twenty minutes before your session, particularly with high intensity cardio sessions.

* In an age of hyped up pre-workout supplements which claim to push you to a harder workout in the gym, the best pre-workout supplement you can possibly take is actually good old Essential Amino Acids. That's right. No hype, but studies show that these are far more effective than any caffeine supplement as they actually help you hang on to lean muscle and work very well with your pre-workout protein shake, too.

Most people who are in the habit of training on an empty stomach wait until after their workout before consuming protein, amino acids or any other supplements they might be taking. Again, this is yesterday's advice.

Essential amino acids work before of after a workout, they are a no nonsense supplement that are simply proven to help build lean muscle. However, there have been a number of studies performed which indicate when directly compared with pre-workout and post-workout consumption there is only one winner. One particular piece of research showed a 24% increase in the uptake of the supplement by the muscles, all for something as simple as taking it before your gym session instead of after.

So there you have it, folks. To get the most from your HIIT session you should consume a simple whey protein supplement and some essential amino acids prior to your session, followed by a decent protein shake afterwards. Chances are you were already consuming your post-workout shake anyway, so this tiny little change will help kick-start your high intensity interval training to the next level and bring unparalleled fat loss results to you.

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