Monday, April 22, 2013

A Closer Look Into The Top Ten Health Benefits Of Massage Treatments

By Liz Ravlich

Maybe you do not feel quite right and are not sure what the problem is. Perhaps you notice stiffness in your back, joints, or other kinds of pain. You might receive a lot of help from a professional masseuse. This therapy has its roots in the distant past but it still very effective today, and the top ten health benefits of massage may surprise you.

Better posture - Tense and overworked muscles can greatly affect the posture. Although it should not replace chiropractic care, massaging can improve posture. This can make it much easier to perform everyday activities.

Breathing easier - When your muscles are properly massaged, it allows you to breathe deeply. This supplies the body with more oxygen. Oxygen aids in the process of healing.

Better skin - Maybe you suffer with dry skin. The lotions used in massaging will help. You may notice increased elasticity also. This can make the skin appear younger and healthier.

Better circulation - When blood circulation is improved it can aid the healing process. Lack of exercise can decrease circulation. Gentle massaging techniques relax blood vessels and allow for a more even flow throughout the body.

Joint flexibility - If you suffer with joint or back stiffness, your masseuse can work on them to make them feel better. Many times, stiff joints are caused by tense muscles and tendons pulling on them and proper therapy relaxes these muscles.

Stress and anxiety relief - If you suffer from anxiety or stress you are not alone. It is a common problem in the 21st Century. Stress can start as tension in the neck or shoulders. Once you relieve this tension it can have a soothing effect.

Mental performance - When you do not feel tense or stressed, you can think more clearly without distractions. It becomes easier to focus on the task at hand. Your work efficiency may improve and this can lead to greater job satisfaction. Job satisfaction can lead to promotions and better paying positions.

Relaxed mind - When the body can thoroughly relax, the mind will follow. This opens up the channel for creativity and freedom of thought. You may find it easier to solve problems when you are mentally at ease.

Inner peace - So many people seek peace of mind, but few can find it. The sense of well-being that massage brings can still the mind. It can also lead to a better sense of your surroundings through increased self-awareness.

Need for touch - Most people have inner needs to be touched. The feel of another person's hands can be very soothing and relaxing. This is a basic need that extends all the way back to the beginnings of life.

The top ten health benefits of massage does not include all of them. You may discover many other good things when you see your professional masseuse. You will enjoy a program of therapy that is personalized to your needs. This can help you feel better and get more enjoyment from life.

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