Friday, October 12, 2012

Top Tasty Low Glycemic Snacks

By Leigh Bean

Nutritionists and dieticians all over the world are raving about the concept of "GI". GI stands for glycemic index, and is the way experts determine how quickly certain types of food release sugar into the bloodstream. Foods that gradually perform this process are categorized as low GI. They have received a lot of recognition for being top foods for dieting. This is because they promote consistent levels of blood glucose in the body. This prevents dieters from developing the fatigue and hunger usually linked to restricted eating. Here, then, is a handful of some of the most effective, and delicious low glycemic snacks.

First of the bunch is yogurt. This is regarded as a "wonder-food" by nutritionists, and it's easy to see why. Not only does it gradually release glucose into the bloodstream, but it is also rich in bone-saving calcium. Live culture yogurts are the best on the market today. This is because they contain valuable types of bacteria that actually aid digestion. For a lighter snack, look for fat-free or low-fat varieties.

Nuts are fantastic sources of energy. They comprise of "good" unsaturated fats and carbohydrates, and are also an excellent source of protein and iron, especially for vegetarians. Purchase nuts that are unsalted, either raw or roasted. Walnuts are particularly good for the brain, whilst almonds are high in calcium. They are also portable and therefore very easy to carry with to work.

No healthy diet is complete without one's veggies. Low GI vegetables include cucumber, celery, broccoli and asparagus. A great way to eat these vegetables as a snack is raw, with a dip. Guacamole, for example, is a scrumptious low GI dip rich in good oils and unsaturated fats. Simply pound together some avocado, lemon and black pepper. Hummus is another delicious, chickpea-based option.

One need not deprive oneself of cheese on this particular diet! Cottage cheese is a great source of calcium. Use cottage cheese made from skim milk for a lower-calorie option. Fresh, pounded herbs and crushed black pepper make for excellent seasonings.

Fruit also come with low glycemic variations. Good examples are deciduous fruits like berries, cherries and apples. These are high in fiber and very low in carbohydrates - excellent for dieting. Also look into melon and grapefruit. However, not all fruits are ideal for this particular eating plan. Bananas, papaya and mango are all very high on the GI for fruit.

Nutritionists say that certain types of dried fruit are great for a low GI diet. Dried apricots are the best of the bunch. Be careful not to eat too many servings of this, as snacks can be high in sugar.

There are also many types of low glycemic breads of the market today. Simply look for heavier, grainier alternatives to normal bread loaves. Try soy and linseed loaf, as well as heavy mixed grain and wholewheat pumpernickel.

These low glycemic snacks show that dieting doesn't have to be difficult. They are varied, delicious and healthy. But above all that, they work to ensure that the body is consistently energized throughout the day, and that any fatigue or hunger stays far away.

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